Beckett a 17 year girl returns to her friends and family from a
century long stay in a place called the Everneath which from the book
is like the or is the mythological Hades. No ones knows where she's
been , what was she doing or why she left in the first place. No one
except a being named Cole called an everliving who's only way of
surviving is to suck the life force or emotions from people or one
specially chosen person called a for-fit. No I know what your
thinking how can someone disappear for a century and no one seems to
notice?! Yeah like that would happen! This question would be a major
whole plot if it weren't for a century equaling six months on the
surface. Wow! When I first started reading this I was completely
lost, like lost with a capital L but as time went on in the book I
became more and more in-tuned with the story. Ashton makes it
appears like Nikki(MC=main character) was just another American
statistic. “Girl moves to a new town, girl starts dating the most
popular boy in school , girls are hating on the new girl, new girl
can't deal with the pressure so she runs away and then turns to
drugs.” Yawn. Boring. Been there , seen that but then bam! Here
comes this whole underworld on earth plot, mixed with teenage love
that's unbreakable, mixed with the everyday demons that plague the
real world, mixed with suspense, mixed with a hint of mystery. Put
all of that together , shake it in a cup and blaimo you have a really
interesting book! Even though I sinking all the praise of this book
I have to stop and talk about my dislikes. Boo!!!!!!!*a crowd booing
me and chucking raw vegetables at my head* Ok, ok first the beginning
took a little long starting for my taste. Then the complete mystery
over where has this girl been for six months. The way no one at first
seemed to acknowledge that she was even gone. The story jumps right
into the fray of things and it' like um hello did she or did she not
disappear for six months without a peep or a trace. The way
Jack(SMC=second main character) just listenings to Nikki's
explanation of where she been and what has happened to her without so
much as a “your crazy lady” The simple plan J & N come up
with to kill Cole(TMC=third main character) just pretty much find his
heart which I along with them thought it was in the guitar(I know
sounds crazy but you'll have to just read and find out) and smash the
thing to bits. Ah oh! I found a plot hole! Waaaaaaaa!*people crying*
If nothing could change Nikki's fate from being sucked back down into
the tunnels(the quote, unqote battery of the underworld) then why
did N&J(Nikki & Jack) think killing C(Cole ) would stop
anything, the way I look at it is that he would be dead and she would
still get sucked back down into the underworld. Especially if quoted
by C he could not stop the forces of nature. That would be like
saying killing this one person would stop a hurricane from coming.
Think about that real hard and see how that doesn’t make sense. Ok
now that's over it's time for my personal five star ratings! Yeah !
Whew!* the crowd cheers* Ok the characters I'll give a 4, a 4 because
I didn't like the MC's defeatist attitude it drove me crazy! The
setting/ location a 2 because up until this point I still have no
damn clue where they where. The plot a 4 , a 4 because their was
that one little whole that I don't feel was truly explained( you know
the whole kill Cole and save Nikki thing even as they defy nature and
destiny) and then finally the overall experience a 7 because it was
interesting and I will be reading any more there is to come. :-) P.S
the cover art is amazing!!!!!!
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