This blog will be discussing books, and products and anything else that I think is cool but it will most likely be reviewing,discussing and talking about books.
Some of my favorite music artist
- Aly & Aj
- Amerie
- Avril Lavigne
- Beyonce
- Britney Spears
- Ciara
- Demi Lavoto
- Destiny's Child
- Eminem
- Fergie
- Gwen Stefani
- Kings Of Leon
- Lady Gaga
- Miley Cyrus
- Nelly Furtado
- Paramore
- Pink
- Selena Gomez
- The Black Eyed Peas
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Unearthly(Unearthly#1) by Cynthia Hand book review
Unearthly is a story that
follows the misadventure of a teen named Clara Gardener as she tries
to for fill her heavenly ordained birth right which is called a
purpose. All angels have a purpose in this and at the time or puberty
is when all angels start developing their powers. Because of this
purpose of Clara's her whole family of her brother and mother had to
up root their lives and move from California to Wyoming and that's
where the story takes off and takes place. Now as for the main
character Clara I am a little on the fence about liking her or not .
There are several times in the book that I considered her out right
mean because of her her purpose. Meaning to say that her purpose
involves saving this really cute guy that she spends most of her time
obsessing over and thinking she should be with but if course he
already has a girlfriend, and she's popular, pretty know the
drill. Now where I think she's mean is when her new friend Wendy
tries to make her feel more comfortable at the school and even
invites her to sit at her table and just really does a great job at
making her feel welcome were everyone didn't do anything like that
and at times Clara just out right blows her off about doing stuff
together or ignores her when she's talking about her day or something
important to her. That's wrong you don't do that to someone who has
proven time and time again that there a good friend . Wendy and
Clara's relationship take a turn for the worse when Clara meets
another half blood angel kid like herself Angela. It's almost like
Wendy disappears from the book and from Clara's mind when that
happens. Another thing that bothered me about the plot and not the
characters themselves is the whole she must fall in love with her
assignment Christian. I was so thinking if her whole purpose is to
save him why dose she have to date him even though he has a
girlfriend already and even though Christian treated her like she was
beneath him and his friends and even though Tucker Wendy's twin
brother even before Hand wrote it that way was interested in her. I
mean really why does she have to be in love with him in order to for
fill her destiny. I agree with a lot of people when they say that
adding the whole they must fall in love with each thing to the
purpose made it a little less relevant and because Christian didn't
seem like the skipping through the forest type I couldn't for the
life of me imagine what would he be doing there at the time he's
supposed to saved from the fire. Now there is a small fight scene
between this fallen angel and Clara and her Mom but really it was so
irrelevant that Hand could had just kept it out of the book all
together. So to some everything up it's a story of teenage drama with
traveling to a new school in a small town where every already knows
everyone, self discovery, love with a hint of a love triangle, new
friendships and unsure endings. But now it's time for my own personal
rating! Yeah! Woo! Yea! *the
crowd cheering * As for the setting I give this book a 10 out of 10
stars because Hand described the scenery so well it made me want to
go and visit Wyoming so bad! The characters, just the side characters
I give a 6 out of 10 because while they were interesting they had
some annoying traits . The main character a 4 out of 10 stars because
while she had a brain in her head she did come off as annoying when
she kept trying to get closer to Christian and she also came across
as self absorbed. The plot a 4 and a half stars because while the
fallen angel theme in this book was original it fell short at the end
and not just left you with a cliff hanger ending but a “what the
hell just happened” kind of ending and finally the overall
experience a 6 because even with all it's problems it still turned
out to be a real page turner for me at least. OK see you next review.
P.S the cover art wasn't all that exciting especially compared to
some fallen angel books that I've seen with better cover art.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
The Lost Saint(The Dark Divine #2) by Bree Despain book
Ok so the Lost Saint if you didn't all ready know is the part 2 of The Dark Divine so it immediately picks up where the first one stops with Grace being bitten or changed into a were wolf and now. Having to deal if the after math of that while trying to find out where her also now a were wolf brother has run off to. Ok I like how the story starts off right where it left off at but I didn't like how far Despain took the reader or us away from the matter at hand which was finding Jude(Grace Divine's brother) which was what the story was suppose to be about. But then again sometimes an author has to take the reader away from the story at hand in order to introduce the reader to other things happening around the main character but by the time Despain brings Hus back to the important matter at hand I pretty much forgot about finding Jude. This time around there wasn't to many new characters expect for Tall the mysterious new guy that G(Grace) meets in a sort of night club and who happens to be just like her a happened by chance were wolf. For me Tall was likable as a good guy and I didn't like to much when Despain made him into a bad guy. As a bad guy he was a sniveling coward who followed the every command of the head bad guy. So lame! Any way because I don't want go on and on about minor lame parts of this book i'll just get right to my personal ratings. Yeah ! Alright! Woo! *crowd cheering* . Ok as for the plot I gave it 5 out of 10 stars only because I do love this author and the way she attempted to keep everything together leading from the first one into this one. The setting I give a 3 because nothing had really changed from the last time I read the first book and what had changed wasn't that exciting. Yawn. *me pretending to yawn over the book's scenery* . The characters i'll give a 5 and a half. Why not an whole 6 you may ask. Well every was good expect the main character Grace didn't really seal me this time around for some reason(when you read the book you may feel the same way). And finally the over all book experience a ...... 4 only because while it was good read it wasn't as heart stopping, nail biting and laughable as the first book.( things did seem to move a little slower this time around).
Friday, August 10, 2012
Evernight(Evernight #1) by Claudia Grey book review
Ok I
have to admit that the beginning of this book is a little confusing
to me and gives the book a unneeded sense of urgency only to bring
the readers hopes up and then quickly crashes them back down again.
In the beginning Bianca(MC= main character) talks about running away
and then strangely proceeds to do so. This was weird because I just
already felt like she was being over dramatic in that “I'm a
teenage and I want what I want and if I don't get it then I'm going
to run away” sense. Then Lucas(2nMC= second main character) appears
and tackles her to the ground like he was going to harm her but turns
out he was the person who made her turn from a brisk jog into the
forest into a full on sprint. Now me personally I love dramatics but
opening with such a unnecessary and confusing piece like Grey did
makes you look at the MC like she's a nit-wit.
Just a
few more things that didn't sit well with me through this book and on
to the fun stuff! Yay! Whoo! Haray! (*crowd cheering*) .
OK in
pacific order. 1. I
didn't like how the main character immediately starts falling for
Lucas when her first impression of him was a serial killer/stalker.
care much for her complete trust in Lucas a guy the MC barely
the MC seems weak,pathetic and needy. She lets people walk all over
those things were to change maybe in the next installment I would
like the MC a little better. But for now what I liked …... the MC
turning out to be a vampire and that everyone else around her is one
too but she's this special kind of vampire that only comes around
every so many years. However I feel like this twist came too late
into the book for it to be significant and kind of just feels like
something the author through in their because she was running out of
ideas with the whole young love bit. The fight scene between 2ndMC
and MC's parents was awesome no buts needed on that! The cover art
could use a bit more work but it's still kind of pretty.
it's time for my personal rating system! The characters a 4 & ½
because of the supporting characters were very interesting unlike the
MC. The setting a 5 because I loved the way the school, the school
grounds and even the town in this story was described. The plot a 4 &
½ because the delivery was a little late and the over all experience
a 2, it was interesting but the whole forbidden love bit has been
done before. Would I read what's next to come? Yes but it's
something I would have to gear myself up for, that I already bought
the entire series.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Everneath by Brodi Ashton book review

Beckett a 17 year girl returns to her friends and family from a
century long stay in a place called the Everneath which from the book
is like the or is the mythological Hades. No ones knows where she's
been , what was she doing or why she left in the first place. No one
except a being named Cole called an everliving who's only way of
surviving is to suck the life force or emotions from people or one
specially chosen person called a for-fit. No I know what your
thinking how can someone disappear for a century and no one seems to
notice?! Yeah like that would happen! This question would be a major
whole plot if it weren't for a century equaling six months on the
surface. Wow! When I first started reading this I was completely
lost, like lost with a capital L but as time went on in the book I
became more and more in-tuned with the story. Ashton makes it
appears like Nikki(MC=main character) was just another American
statistic. “Girl moves to a new town, girl starts dating the most
popular boy in school , girls are hating on the new girl, new girl
can't deal with the pressure so she runs away and then turns to
drugs.” Yawn. Boring. Been there , seen that but then bam! Here
comes this whole underworld on earth plot, mixed with teenage love
that's unbreakable, mixed with the everyday demons that plague the
real world, mixed with suspense, mixed with a hint of mystery. Put
all of that together , shake it in a cup and blaimo you have a really
interesting book! Even though I sinking all the praise of this book
I have to stop and talk about my dislikes. Boo!!!!!!!*a crowd booing
me and chucking raw vegetables at my head* Ok, ok first the beginning
took a little long starting for my taste. Then the complete mystery
over where has this girl been for six months. The way no one at first
seemed to acknowledge that she was even gone. The story jumps right
into the fray of things and it' like um hello did she or did she not
disappear for six months without a peep or a trace. The way
Jack(SMC=second main character) just listenings to Nikki's
explanation of where she been and what has happened to her without so
much as a “your crazy lady” The simple plan J & N come up
with to kill Cole(TMC=third main character) just pretty much find his
heart which I along with them thought it was in the guitar(I know
sounds crazy but you'll have to just read and find out) and smash the
thing to bits. Ah oh! I found a plot hole! Waaaaaaaa!*people crying*
If nothing could change Nikki's fate from being sucked back down into
the tunnels(the quote, unqote battery of the underworld) then why
did N&J(Nikki & Jack) think killing C(Cole ) would stop
anything, the way I look at it is that he would be dead and she would
still get sucked back down into the underworld. Especially if quoted
by C he could not stop the forces of nature. That would be like
saying killing this one person would stop a hurricane from coming.
Think about that real hard and see how that doesn’t make sense. Ok
now that's over it's time for my personal five star ratings! Yeah !
Whew!* the crowd cheers* Ok the characters I'll give a 4, a 4 because
I didn't like the MC's defeatist attitude it drove me crazy! The
setting/ location a 2 because up until this point I still have no
damn clue where they where. The plot a 4 , a 4 because their was
that one little whole that I don't feel was truly explained( you know
the whole kill Cole and save Nikki thing even as they defy nature and
destiny) and then finally the overall experience a 7 because it was
interesting and I will be reading any more there is to come. :-) P.S
the cover art is amazing!!!!!!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Shimmer(Wicked Woods#2) -by. Kalin Gow book review
Monday, March 26, 2012
The Dark Divine by Bree Despain book review
The Dark Divine is about a girl named Grace Divine who is a pastor's daughter and a small town teenager like a lot of the MC(main character's) are in YA novels. Grace's happy suburban life is shaking up three years before the actual story takes place when her older brother returns home from their Father’s parish a bloody mess with no explanations. At that time either because Grace was too young or because her family just wanted to keep her out of the weirdness that surrounds their family everything from that day is concealed from Grace. No one every talks about it and she's the only one who has questions about that day and why most of it's details surrounds a once close family friend named Daniel Kalbi. Okay so fast forward from that night three years ago and the story picks up when word spreads about a new kid in Grace's school that she later meets and finds out that he's her brother and her's former art loving and much now changed childhood friend Daniel.
Her family becomes horrified that he has returned to their suburban town and is now in the two older kids(Grace & her brother Jude) school so she(Grace is told to stay away from him and to never bring him up again. Grace being the good girl teenager that she is decides against her families wishes and in turn tries to help him at every chance she gets despite his new bad boy image , unfavorable roommates/friends and even some connection to what the locals of this town calls the Markham street monster Grace can't stay away. Okay now that I have given a quick walk through of this book I 'm going to go on saying that this was a surprisingly good book. I say surprisingly because with a name like “The Dark Divine you would expect that is another falling angels book which I have only read two falling angel's series that I found to be really good! However this is not a falling angels book and I'm glad that Despain didn't take it in that direction because it would have been too obvious but at the same time I was slightly disappointed with the direction in which she took it in only because I felt like their was a lot more she could have done with the story besides turning it into another werewolf story(oops! Spoiler alert).
Fortunately that is my one and only grievances with this book! (yeah do a happy dance) ** Real big announcer's voice** “ladies and gentlemen it's time for my personal ratings!” **the crowd cheers** “yeah whew! Alright!” For the characters I give this story a 4 because the characters even though they were the normal type of characters that you would expect to find in a small town Despain still made them every bit of entertaining.
The setting I'll give a 3 only because Despain didn't do a good job of making the scenery memorable as a matter of fact I can't even if I tried to remember what town they were in or state or any other scenery I couldn't. The plot a 5. **shocked gasps** “Huh!” Yes even though I didn't agree with the werewolf direction it was still a very good plot with some twist and turns and a big surprise at the end.
The cover art a 10 out of 10 stars! Why because it's just that d*mn pretty! And the overall book experience a 8 out of ten stars! I can say that I did enjoy this book, I will read what's next to come and if Despain continues to write this good than she'll have a fan for life! :-)
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