I'm a little on the fence with this book only because I love Bella as the main character(as she is in books 1-3) but I think Edwards perspective was a little more I don't know broad I guess. With him it started out a little slow but quickly became excellent and expressive and just nice to follow along with. The only real complaint that I can think of was that I wished it was finished and that despite how this book was released I think Myers should finish it because I would sure as want to read the finished product. Experience rating 7 out of 10 stars, character rating 5 out of 10 stars only because this book really made Bella seem like such a drip, setting rating a 4 out of 10 because I don't really remember Edward describing a lot of scenery. Plot rating a 10 out of 10 because it is just the same as the first book but in a different voice and I love the first book and my overall experience rating would the same a 10 out of 10! I did love this book.
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