Passion is the third
installment of the Fallen series and the Lucinda Price & Daniel
Grigori love story. This installment picks up immediately where the
last one left off with Luce stepping through an announcer and falling
aimlessly through time to revisit her's and Daniel's past lives so
that she could figure out why every time her and Daniel get together
that she keeps dying? What really is this curse? Why are things
different this time around? And what really makes their love so true
and real? When the idea of Luce stepping through an announcer
first appeared at the end of the second installment I though it was
stupid , dangerous and reckless of her to go head long into the
unknown back into the pass but after playing with the idea a little
I then started thinking that maybe going back will help either help
her understand why the death occurs so that way she can understand
why they can't be together or how the death occurs so that she can
return her current time and stop it from happening to her current
Both of which hopeful
ideas would actually make sense but.... *STOP ! MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!
* neither one of those ideas is what takes place during the plot of
this book. Page after page after page after page of this book is
nothing but Luce diving head long into the past and into all kinds
of danger only to run into past Daniel and having him save the day
and by saving the day you mean meeting up with Luce kissing her or
coming into some kind of contact with her and then she dies a fiery
death each and every time. There was even a part during this
adventure(and by adventure I mean one long drawn out never ending
story) where Bill Luce's mysterious traveling companion that only
Luce can see or hear who also disappears when he comes into contact
with any of the past fallen angels * hint, hint * tells her to
possess her past selves to get a look at her own death from the their
When the suggestion came
about I was thinking: 1. How the hell will seeing a death through
eyes she has already seen through going to help break the curse. 2.
In the likely even that her past self burst into flames how is she
going to leave that body in time to save her current self? 3. From
the very begging Luce has had apprehensions about bill so why the
hell would she just listen to him with complete unquestionable
loyalty? So long story short Luce does indeed possess her past
selves only to see and kiss Daniel in different time periods and from
different angles. During these meetings Luce gets so swept up in
Daniel that forgets to ask him any questions, or to notice anything
but him. Okay so your probably wondering one thing did she by
possessing her past selves learn how to stop her own death from
No! The answer is no well
she dose learn that when her past self does burst into flames they
are at peace when this happenings. Meanwhile Daniel,Cam and everyone
from the ending of the last installment are on Luce's heels traveling
through time to catch up with her but always arriving months, seconds
or days too late. Also Luce is warned that her travels could
possibly disrupt the future but she ignores the warning and continues
to disrupt her past lives causing all kinds of chaos in the hopes of
finding out the true about her's and Daniel's curse. Towards the end
Bill tricks Luce or almost tricks her into quote unquote kill her
soul and put an end to Daniel's pain and suffer. When Luce asks what
will happen to her Bill just simply says your body will just come out
of your past self unharmed , it'll go back to your time zone and live
the current life of Lucinda Price but without the dramatic death that
occurs each and every time you see Daniel.
“Kill your soul” Really
? That makes no sense your soul is apart of who your are so in
theory if Luce was to kill her soul shouldn't that kill her as well?
And another question that's bothering me how could she possess her
past selves if she herself is not a spiritual being or a ghost? If a
normal person went back in time with some sort of time machine they
would not be able to find themselves from the past and just touch
them and possess them. I do understand that this is a fictional story
but that makes no sense even in fiction without the explanation of
someone having spiritual powers. And the most annoying thing is Bill
tricks Daniel into going back to before the angel fall when he should
have been looking for Luce and once he realizes that he's been
tricked he just goes along with it? What? So Daniel tries to sneak in
a loop hole to his punishment that if Luce goes back in time in one
of her life times and gathers all the information that she needs and
then still chooses him or whatever else her choose would be then
she'll be free to grow and to I guess live a normal life.
Question. If Luce really
wanted to know the reason for her death couldn't she just had asked
Bill to take her to her very first life? If you want to know
something wouldn't it help to go to the very front of the
information? Instead of randomly skipping through time like randomly
flipping through the pages of a book? Luce learns nothing, this
entire trip through time was a waist of time at the very end the only
reason the reader learns why Luce keeps dying when her and Daniel get
together is simply because it simply is. We're left with the same
amount of information that we started with. If your still wondering
what it is like to read this book just imagine getting bits and
pieces of information to a puzzle only to have the pieces not fit or
make any sense then to get to the end of the puzzle and to discover
that the key to the puzzle is …. it just is the way is. When Kate
learn that mysterious teenage love, information that makes no sense
and really bad cliff hangers does not make a good book or a good
For the cover art I give
this book a 4 out of 10 stars this cover isn't as pretty and
captivating as the other two covers in this series. The characters a
4 out out 10 stars they were just as dumb and boring as they were in
the part two of this series and the characters that were actually
exciting barely had any parts through the whole book. The
setting/scenery a 4 ½ stars out of 10 only because the descriptions
took me to different countries that other wise I would probably never
travel to. The plot a 3 out of 10 and the overall experience a 3
out of 10. Will I read this again? I'm giving Kate one last chance
to redeem herself assuming that Rapture is not the last installment
like Kate has quoted.